
What is it?

WIP server based on Cosmic, a fork of the now deceased v83 server emulation project HeavenMS.

sweetgum aims to function as a MapleStory playground rather than a fully-featured private server with an economy. Players/users are not expected to stay for extended periods, and the game expects you to bring a friend and play around with the available commandor talk to a potential stranger in its small world.

sweetgum is heavily inspired by servers like D.Chaos MS. Like many of my y2k-coded projects, it serves little purpose and exists to satisfy nostalgia for poorly crafted and heavily .wz edited servers.


How can I play?

At this time, sweetgum is not open to the general public and operates on an invite-only basis. If you’re interested testing, it’s not hard to join. Send a request to [email protected]!
The server-side code is currently hosted on https://git.blossomworks.co/Scan/sweetgum83
I dont think I’ll ever meaningfully work on the code for this project, and only plan to sporadicly .wz edit and client edit when I have time.